Sunday, December 20, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009


i'm going to be 29 on the 29th. it's weird that my 20s are almost over because i still feel like a kid. a kid who plays house and dress up.

or maybe i'm tricking all of of you into thinking i'm older than i really am.

or maybe i'm being tricked by my parents...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

una mas.

2:04 and 4:02...


why do i feel like that might mean something???


In an early version of the tale of Pinocchio, friendly woodpeckers chiseled his nose back to its original size after it had grown enormous from his incorrigible lying. From a metaphorical perspective, Capricorn, a comparable development may soon occur in your own life. A benevolent (if somewhat rough) intervention akin to the woodpeckers' assistance will shrink an overgrown, top-heavy part of your attitude, allowing you to proceed to the next chapter of your story with streamlined grace.

remember when...

i didn't sleep for 2 months?
i would drink two 40s before going out?
i was super tan?
we were friends?
we were just friends???